Bitte beachten Sie das im Internet evtl. günstiger angebotene Mevo+ zumeist nicht die 2024 Version sind!
Bei uns erhalten sie nur die aktuelle Version 2024
Mevo+ is the ultimate indoor and outdoor launch monitor and simulator that uses patented FlightScope Fusion Tracking technology to provide accurate performance data you can trust.
FlightScope’s patented Fusion Tracking technology is an innovative combination of 3D Doppler tracking radar and synchronized image processing for unmatched data accuracy. FlightScope recognizes that radar and camera technologies have strengths and weaknesses and, therefore, we have combined the two methods into Fusion Tracking to provide the best of both technologies.
Automatically record and clip videos of every shot on your mobile device and overlay your selected data parameters.
Mevo+ includes ownership of 6 golf courses, 17 practice ranges and a mini game with no additional licence fee.
Mevo+ is a launch monitor that uses patented FlightScope Fusion Tracking technology to provide 20+ club and ball data parameters for ultimate game improvement and entertainment.
Practice smarter with pre-designed FlightScope Skills Combines or create your own customized challenges to compete against family, friends, and players around the world.
Improved Accuracy
Mevo+ with Fusion Tracking introduces an enhanced level of accuracy and consistency.
Improved Performance
Additional Mevo+ Pro Package data gives users the opportunity to use more data to improve their performance.
More Data with Pro Package
Mevo+ Pro Package users will enjoy the benefit of additional club and ball data including club path and face angles.
Trainere überall und zu jeder Jahreszeit. Dank seiner Größe und dem leichten Gewicht kannst du den Approach R10 einfach Indoor verwenden oder aus der Wohnung in den Garten und sogar mit auf die Driving Range nehmen.
Die im Lieferumfang enthaltene Telefonhalterung wird an der Golftasche befestigt, sodass du zwischen den Schwüngen alle wichtigen Daten deiner Garmin Golf™ App auf deinem kompatiblen Smartphone im Blick hast.
Dank einer Akkulaufzeit von bis zu 10 Stunden steht deinem Training nichts mehr im Weg und du kannst mehr Zeit mit dem Golfspiel verbringen, bis ein Aufladen erforderlich ist.
Verbessere die Gleichmäßigkeit deiner Golfschläge durch umfangreiche Daten, wie Schlägerkopfgeschwindigkeit, Ballgeschwindigkeit, Spin, Abflugwinkel, Abflugrichtung, Smash Factor u.v.m.
Mithilfe des Smartphones kannst du von jedem Schwung automatisch ein Video mit den dazugehörigen Metriken aufzeichnen und daraufhin analysieren.
Mit virtuellen Runden2 für mehr als 42.000 Golfplätze weltweit können du und drei weitere Golfer auf unzähligen Plätzen spielen. Sogar auf einem Golfplatz, auf dem ihr bei eurer nächsten Reise spielen werdet.
Teste das virtuelle Golferlebnis mit einem kostenlosen 30-tägigen Probeabonnement für Premium-Inhalte der Garmin Golf App3.
Die E6 Connect Inhaltsbibliothek (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) ist mit dem Approach R10 kompatibel. Mit E6 Connect kannst du problemlos und wann immer du möchtest auf fotorealistischen Golfplätzen spielen.
1 Für dieses Gerät ist ein gekoppeltes, kompatibles Smartphone erforderlich, auf dem die Garmin Golf-App heruntergeladen wurde.
2 Aktives Abonnement in der Garmin Golf-App erforderlich.
3 Du musst die Garmin Golf-App herunterladen und Zahlungsinformationen eingeben, um das kostenlose Probeabonnement zu erhalten. Das Zahlungskonto wird belastet, sofern das Abonnement nicht vor Ablauf des 30-tägigen Probezeitraums storniert wird.
Die drei Hochgeschwindigkeits-Kameras erfassen mehr als 15 verschiedene Ball- und Schlägerdaten, einschließlich Ballgeschwindigkeit, Abflugwinkel, Spinrate, Spinaxis und mehr. Der R50 liefert Seitenansichten des Balls und des Schlägers im Treffmoment und gibt so visuelles Feedback bei jedem Schlag. Die mehr als 43.000 vorinstallierten Golfplätze rund um die Welt bieten unübertreffbare Spielmöglichkeiten, um über Home Tee Hero die nächste Golfplatzrunde zu simulieren (aktive Garmin Golf Mitgliedschaft erforderlich). Zur leichten Integration in bestehende Abschlagboxen oder Indoor Trainingsanlagen und Verbindung mit vorhandener Infrastruktur verfügt der Approach R50 über verschiedene Anschlussmöglichkeiten wie HDMI, WLAN oder Bluetooth. Ganz gleich ob du ambitioniert trainierst oder nur Spaß haben möchtest, der R50 bringt dich auf Kurs, um vom ersten Abschlag bis zum letzten Putt dein Bestes zu geben.
ProTee United’s new VX Launch Monitor perfectly balances high tech and simplicity. Its slick design
and high accuracy make it the ideal launch monitor for your home. The most anticipated ceiling
launch monitor right now, with a wide variety of great features.
The cutting-edge device has been designed to give you an immersive experience while also being
very simple to use. With our Simple mounting and calibration process, you can have the VX up and
ready in minutes! Once playing, you get to experience golf in your home without the need for
specially marked balls or clubs so you can play entirely with your own equipment. The VX offers all
this and so much more for an affordable price to ensure it is accessible to people of all budgets!
Play golf at home like never before!
Instant Reaction
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning powered smart shot analysis detection and processing software measures and projects all your data in less than a second, giving you an almost instant reaction to each shot.
Right and Left handed
The VX System works with both right and left handed players without having to recalibrate or reconfigure the launch monitor.
Easy Setup
With our easy mounting and calibration system, setting up the VX is effortless so you can start hitting golf balls in minutes.
Hitting Area
The hitting area can be configured. The maximum size is 65cm x 55cm / 25" x 21" (Length x Width).
ProTee Labs Software
Improve your swing with ProTee Labs! A perpetual license of ProTee Labs is included with your purchase. It includes features such as fully customisable panels, high-quality playback videos and a 4K Range. The clear layout allows you to see your data instantly after each shot, in a clear and organised manner designed to best suit your golfing needs. Start improving your swing right out of the box without the need for additional software.
Compatible Software (sold seperately)
TGC, TGC 2019, ProTee Play, E6 Connect & GSPro. More will follow soon.
Data Points
Ball Data: Ball Speed, Back Spin, Side Spin, Total Spin, Spin Axis, Launch Direction, Launch Angle
ClubData: Club Speed, Club Path, Club Face Angle, Club Face to Path, Attack Angle, Dynamic Loft, Club Lie Angle, Impact Point
Vertical & Horizontal.Flight Data: Flight Path, Apex Height, Apex Time, Total Distance, Carry Distance, Off Line, Air Time, Run, Descent Angle.
PRE ORDER NOW Auslieferung ab April 2024
The all new MLM2PRO™ mobile launch monitor + golf simulator
Dual optical camera vision + radar processing for precision accuracy
Shot Vision and Impact Vision for multi-option swing replay
Simulation at 30,000+ golf courses
13 metrics - 6 measured metrics - including spin rate and spin axis
Rapsodo combines - 24 total shots - 2 approach targets - 1 driver target
Full functionality indoors and outdoors
Apple and Android compatible
Keine Schrauben oder Bolzen erforderlich. Platzieren Sie es einfach an einem Ort, an dem Sie bequem nach einem Club greifen können. Lassen Sie nicht zu, dass Ihre Schläger Ihren Boden überladen oder Ihre Wände markieren. Verwenden Sie das SkyTrak Club Rack, um Ihr Heimstudio zu verschönern.
SkyTrak Golf - Golf Launch Monitor
Der Erste leistbare Ballflug Launch Monitor seiner Art ist da!
Der Skytrak misst realistisch den Golfball in Echtzeit nach dem Impact.
Skytrak verbindet sich mit Ihrem iPad Air und stellt Ihnen dann akkurate Daten über Ihren Ballflug zur Verfügung die App dazu können sie gratis aus dem AppStore runterladen.
Sie sehen dann wie der Ball fliegt und erhalten sofort ein Feedback zu jedem Schlag.
Weitere Informationen bei uns direkt oder per email!
SkyTrak+ bietet Tour-Level-Genauigkeit zu einem erschwinglichen Preis!
Der neue SkyTrak+ ist eine Revolution in der Welt der Golf-Launch-Monitore und bietet Tour-Level-Genauigkeit und -Leistung zu einem Preis, der es Golfspielern auf der ganzen Welt ermöglicht, es sich leisten zu können. Das neue Gerät baut auf dem Erfolg des originalen SkyTrak Launch Monitors auf, der zum meistverkauften Consumer-Launch-Monitor der Welt geworden ist.
Der neue SkyTrak+ verfügt über ein neues Dual-Doppler-Radar-System, das nützliche Schlägerdaten liefert, einschließlich: Schlägerkopfgeschwindigkeit, Smash-Faktor, Schlägerpfad und Schlägerblattwinkel. Darüber hinaus liefert die Anwendung proprietärer Machine-Learning-Algorithmen für diese Daten eine Präzision, die nur von den teuersten Launch Monitoren auf dem Markt erreicht wird.
Das verbesserte Kamerasystem liefert Golfern hochgenaue und zuverlässige Ballverfolgungsdaten, die das Training und die Verbesserung eines Spielers ermöglichen. Das Kamerasystem bietet auch eine verbesserte Leistung im Freien auf Matten. Sie können nun Ihr Spiel auf der Driving Range verbessern.
Mit Zugang zu über 100.000 Golfplätzen (wie Pebble Beach Golf Links, Bandon Dunes, Torrey Pines - South und vielen mehr) und der besten Gameplay-Simulationssoftware der Branche wird der SkyTrak+ Golfer auf der ganzen Welt transportieren und es ihnen ermöglichen, jederzeit und überall zu trainieren, zu spielen und gegen ihre Freunde anzutreten.
Ebenfalls enthalten ist der neue und verbesserte SkyTrak Shot Optimizer und Shot Score-Funktionalität.
Durch die Messung von Ergebnissen gegen eine Datenbank von Millionen von Golfabschlägen bietet diese neue Funktion eine objektive Möglichkeit, Fortschritte und Verbesserungen zu messen.
Darüber hinaus verfügt der SkyTrak+ über eine um 40% größere Trefferfläche, einen neuen Onboard-Prozessor für schnellere Ergebnisanzeige, 5-GHz-Wi-Fi-Fähigkeiten für schnellere und stabilere Konnektivität und USB-Typ-C-Lademöglichkeiten für Port-Stabilität und schnelles Aufladen.
Ein weiteres cooles Feature ist, dass Sie keine speziellen Bälle oder Aufkleber auf Ihren Schlägern benötigen, um genaue Daten zu erhalten.
Einfach einstecken und loslegen.
Additional Club Data with SkyTrak+
Carry Distance
Total Distance
Clubhead Speed
Ball Speed
Smash Factor
Club Path
Club Face Angle
Face to Target
Back Spin Rate
Side Spin Rate
Spin Axis
Spin Loft
Horizontal Launch Angle
Vertical Launch Angle
Lateral Landing
Roll Distance
Apex Height
Flight Time
Shot Shape
Descent Angle
Shot Score
SkyTrak+ ist ab Mitte Juni 2023 verfügbar zur Auslieferung - Pre Orders nehmen wir ab sofort hier auf der Page an.
Practice. Play. Compete. - with the #1 golf simulator in the world!
SkyTrak+ bietet Tour-Level-Genauigkeit zu einem erschwinglichen Preis!
Der neue SkyTrak+ ist eine Revolution in der Welt der Golf-Launch-Monitore und bietet Tour-Level-Genauigkeit und -Leistung zu einem Preis, der es Golfspielern auf der ganzen Welt ermöglicht, es sich leisten zu können. Das neue Gerät baut auf dem Erfolg des originalen SkyTrak Launch Monitors auf, der zum meistverkauften Consumer-Launch-Monitor der Welt geworden ist.
Der neue SkyTrak+ verfügt über ein neues Dual-Doppler-Radar-System, das nützliche Schlägerdaten liefert, einschließlich: Schlägerkopfgeschwindigkeit, Smash-Faktor, Schlägerpfad und Schlägerblattwinkel. Darüber hinaus liefert die Anwendung proprietärer Machine-Learning-Algorithmen für diese Daten eine Präzision, die nur von den teuersten Launch Monitoren auf dem Markt erreicht wird.
Das verbesserte Kamerasystem liefert Golfern hochgenaue und zuverlässige Ballverfolgungsdaten, die das Training und die Verbesserung eines Spielers ermöglichen. Das Kamerasystem bietet auch eine verbesserte Leistung im Freien auf Matten. Sie können nun Ihr Spiel auf der Driving Range verbessern.
Mit Zugang zu über 100.000 Golfplätzen (wie Pebble Beach Golf Links, Bandon Dunes, Torrey Pines - South und vielen mehr) und der besten Gameplay-Simulationssoftware der Branche wird der SkyTrak+ Golfer auf der ganzen Welt transportieren und es ihnen ermöglichen, jederzeit und überall zu trainieren, zu spielen und gegen ihre Freunde anzutreten.
Ebenfalls enthalten ist der neue und verbesserte SkyTrak Shot Optimizer und Shot Score-Funktionalität.
Durch die Messung von Ergebnissen gegen eine Datenbank von Millionen von Golfabschlägen bietet diese neue Funktion eine objektive Möglichkeit, Fortschritte und Verbesserungen zu messen.
Darüber hinaus verfügt der SkyTrak+ über eine um 40% größere Trefferfläche, einen neuen Onboard-Prozessor für schnellere Ergebnisanzeige, 5-GHz-Wi-Fi-Fähigkeiten für schnellere und stabilere Konnektivität und USB-Typ-C-Lademöglichkeiten für Port-Stabilität und schnelles Aufladen.
Ein weiteres cooles Feature ist, dass Sie keine speziellen Bälle oder Aufkleber auf Ihren Schlägern benötigen, um genaue Daten zu erhalten.
Einfach einstecken und loslegen.
Additional Club Data with SkyTrak+
Carry Distance
Total Distance
Clubhead Speed
Ball Speed
Smash Factor
Club Path
Club Face Angle
Face to Target
Back Spin Rate
Side Spin Rate
Spin Axis
Spin Loft
Horizontal Launch Angle
Vertical Launch Angle
Lateral Landing
Roll Distance
Apex Height
Flight Time
Shot Shape
Descent Angle
Shot Score
SkyTrak+ ist ab Mitte Juni 2023 verfügbar zur Auslieferung - Pre Orders nehmen wir ab sofort hier auf der Page an.
Practice. Play. Compete. - with the #1 golf simulator in the world!
【Fortschrittlicher Golf-Tracker】Nutzen Sie unseren
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Indoor-Golf-Startmonitor, um genaue
Ballgeschwindigkeit, Richtung, Winkel und Spinrate zu erfassen. Perfekt
für Heimgolfsimulator-Setups, bietet detaillierte Schussanalysen zur
Verbesserung Ihres Spiels zu Hause.【Realistischer Heimgolfsimulator】Erleben
Sie lebensechte 3D-Kurse mit unserem Heimgolfsimulator-Paket. Dieser
smarte Golfsimulator bietet wunderschön modellierte Golfplätze und
realistische Übungsmodi, was ihn zu einem der besten Golfsimulatoren für
den Heimgebrauch macht.【Umfassender Launch Monitor】Unser
tragbarer Golf-Launchmonitor bietet präzises Feedback zu
Ballgeschwindigkeit, Richtung, usw... Kompatibel mit Android, Apple und
Windows sorgt dieser Golfmonitor für eine genaue Schussverfolgung und
Spielverbesserung.【Vielseitige Golf-Simulator-Spielmodi】Mit
Schwung-, Putting- und Spielmodi einschließlich "Closest to Pin" bietet
dieses Golfsimulator-Spiel umfassende Übungsoptionen. Der virtuelle
Golfsimulator ist perfekt, um verschiedene Aspekte Ihres Golfspiels zu
verfeinern.【Einfache Einrichtung und Verwendung】Unser
tragbares Golf-Start-Monitor-System ist für eine schnelle und mühelose
Einrichtung konzipiert. Dieser Startmonitor Golfsimulator ist ideal für
das Training zu Hause, bietet sofortiges Feedback und verbessert Ihr
Trackman is the world’s most used indoor launch monitor by both tour pro’s, coaches and custom fitters and can be used Indoors or outdoors. Trackman looks at club head data, ball data and can be used for putting.
With its unique ability to link mobile phones or tablets and use the cameras as well this combination is an awesome coaching tool.
Technology meets a passion for golf.
The industry-leading TrackMan 4 with Optically Enhanced Radar Tracking (patented camera/radar hybrid tracking) equipped with TrackMan’s unique neural network tracking, allows tracking of all types of shots and putts, with unrivaled accuracy. TrackMan 4 and it’s apps is the “go-to” choice for the best players and coaches, all over the world
TrackMan Performance Studio has evolved from a coach analysis tool to a complete performance and entertainment solution. Today, the TrackMan 4 includes the most powerful AI in golf practice, a completely overhauled user interface, as well as being a simulator powerhouse together with the stunning TrackMan Virtual Golf 2.
Investing in a TrackMan Simulator solution is the start of an exciting and rewarding journey together with a company known for quality and innovation. Whether for private, or commercial use – constant additions of features, games and courses ensure your system is as remarkable as the day it was first installed.
With a TrackMan Simulator, the whole golf experience is deeply immersive. Second-to-none functionality, hyper-realistic graphics, and breathtaking gameplay make for the best golfing experience outside of the course, 365-days a year.
Trackman 4 Indoor & Outdoor Version
Trackman is the world’s most used indoor launch monitor by both tour pro’s, coaches and custom fitters and can be used Indoors or outdoors. Trackman looks at club head data, ball data and can be used for putting.
With its unique ability to link mobile phones or tablets and use the cameras as well this combination is an awesome coaching tool.
Technology meets a passion for golf.
The industry-leading TrackMan 4 with Optically Enhanced Radar Tracking (patented camera/radar hybrid tracking) equipped with TrackMan’s unique neural network tracking, allows tracking of all types of shots and putts, with unrivaled accuracy. TrackMan 4 and it’s apps is the “go-to” choice for the best players and coaches, all over the world
TrackMan Performance Studio has evolved from a coach analysis tool to a complete performance and entertainment solution. Today, the TrackMan 4 includes the most powerful AI in golf practice, a completely overhauled user interface, as well as being a simulator powerhouse together with the stunning TrackMan Virtual Golf 2.
Investing in a TrackMan Simulator solution is the start of an exciting and rewarding journey together with a company known for quality and innovation. Whether for private, or commercial use – constant additions of features, games and courses ensure your system is as remarkable as the day it was first installed.
With a TrackMan Simulator, the whole golf experience is deeply immersive. Second-to-none functionality, hyper-realistic graphics, and breathtaking gameplay make for the best golfing experience outside of the course, 365-days a year.
Introducing the Trackman Golf iO Indoor Optimized – Your Ultimate Golf Performance Upgrade!
Elevate your golf game to new heights with the cutting-edge Trackman Golf iO Indoor Optimized. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, this state-of-the-art indoor golf solution is designed to revolutionize the way you practice and play.
Key Features:
Precision at Its Finest:
Experience unparalleled accuracy with Trackman's advanced radar technology. The iO Indoor Optimized is engineered to provide precise data on every aspect of your swing, from club path and face angle to ball speed and spin rate. Elevate your understanding of your swing mechanics and take targeted steps towards improvement.
Indoor Optimization:
No need to wait for the weather to cooperate – the iO Indoor Optimized is tailored specifically for indoor use. Rain or shine, day or night, enjoy a seamless golfing experience within the comfort of your own space. Perfect for home setups, golf studios, or indoor training facilities.
Comprehensive Data Analysis:
Dive deep into your performance metrics with the comprehensive data analysis provided by Trackman. Identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement, and track your progress over time. The iO Indoor Optimized is not just a tool; it's your personalized golf coach.
Realistic Simulation:
Immerse yourself in lifelike golf simulations powered by Trackman's cutting-edge technology. Play some of the world's most renowned courses without leaving your home. The iO Indoor Optimized ensures an authentic and engaging golf experience, making practice truly enjoyable.
User-Friendly Interface:
Seamlessly navigate through the iO Indoor Optimized's user-friendly interface. Effortlessly customize your practice sessions, choose specific drills, and track your performance with ease. It's golf technology that works for you, not the other way around.
Connectivity and Integration:
Stay connected and share your progress with fellow golf enthusiasts. The iO Indoor Optimized offers easy connectivity to mobile devices and integrates with popular golf apps, allowing you to analyze and share your data effortlessly.
Upgrade your indoor golf experience with the Trackman Golf iO Indoor Optimized. Unleash your true potential, refine your skills, and step onto the course with newfound confidence. Elevate your game – one swing at a time.
Trackman iO
from 11.995 € netto
from 11.500 € netto
20.500 € netto
Ball Data
Ball Speed
Launch Angle
Launch Direction
Spin Rate
Spin Axis
Hang Time
Landing Angle
Side Total
Ball Speed
Launch Angle
Launch Direction
Spin Rate
Spin Axis
Hang Time
Landing Angle
Side Total
Ball Speed
Vertical and Horizontal Launch Angle
Total Spin & Spin Axis
Carry distance
Club Data
Yes (with add-on subscription)
Dynamic Loft
Face Angle
Impact Height
Impact Offset
Yes (with stickers)
Smash Factor
Club Speed
Club Path
Club Face Angle
Attack Angle
Club Loft Angle
Club Lie Angle
Impact Point Vertical
Impact Point Horizontal
Yes (with add on & stickers)
Club head speed and Smash Factor
Angle of attack
Loft at impact
Lie & face angle at impact
Impact location on the club face
Space Requirements
Enough Room to swing a club
Enough Room to swing a club
400 cm wide at least and
Enough Room to swing a club
Trackman Software
Uneekor & 3rd Party
FSX & Third Party
The Uneekor Balance Optix is a revolutionary new training tool for golfers looking to improve their balance and swing stability. With its advanced sensors and real-time feedback, the Balance Optix helps golfers develop a better sense of balance and body control, leading to improved swing mechanics and better shots on the course.
The Balance Optix is designed to be easy to use and can be worn on the ankle or foot during practice or play. As you swing, the sensors in the Balance Optix measure your balance and stability in real-time, providing you with instant feedback on your performance. The accompanying mobile app allows you to track your progress over time, helping you identify areas for improvement and set personalized training goals.
One of the key benefits of the Balance Optix is its ability to help golfers develop a more consistent and controlled swing. By training your body to maintain better balance throughout the swing, you'll be able to generate more power and accuracy with each shot. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, the Balance Optix is the perfect tool for taking your game to the next level.
In addition to its training benefits, the Balance Optix is also highly portable and can be used anywhere. Whether you're practicing at the range or playing a round on the course, the Balance Optix is the perfect companion for your golf game. And with its durable construction and long battery life, you can rely on it for years to come.
So why wait? Get your hands on the Uneekor Balance Optix today and start improving your balance, stability, and swing!
LITE Version Needs a Cable Connection CAT6 and a Power Cable to be
operated and it does not have a Display or Battery for mobile use.
Are the Cameras and Tracking the same?
YES - The Cameras and Tracking Software is 1:1 identical to the Eye Mini
Can I play 3rd Party Games and View with it?
YES - as all other Uneekor Products it can be used with the Uneekor
Launcher - View, Refine/+ and the 3rd Party Launcher (Pro Package or
other Subscription) needed!
EYE MINI LITE brings you all the outstanding qualities you've come to
expect from Uneekor. With EYE MINI LITE setup is as easy as just
connecting to a PC, and you're ready to enjoy a comprehensive practice
and full golf simulation experience right out of the box.
The Eye Mini LITE not only provides you with accurate measurements, but
it also helps you understand the data in an intuitive way. The Eye
Mini's LITE user-friendly interface displays the results in an
easy-to-read format, making it simple for you to make the necessary
adjustments to your swing.
Additionally, the Eye Mini LITE is highly portable and can be used
anywhere. Whether you're practicing at the range or playing a round on
the course, the Eye Mini is the perfect companion for your golf game.
And with its durable construction and long battery life, you can rely on
it for years to come.
Another great feature of the Eye Mini LITE is its compatibility with
the Uneekor mobile app. You can sync your Eye Mini with the app and
track your progress over time, seeing how your swing has improved and
what changes you need to make to continue getting better. The app also
provides you with customized drills and training plans to help you reach
your goals.
In conclusion, the Uneekor Eye Mini LITE Golf Launch Monitor is the
ultimate tool for golfers of all levels. With its advanced technology,
precise measurements, user-friendly interface, and portability, the Eye
Mini is the perfect investment for anyone looking to improve their golf
game. Get yours today and start playing like a pro!
Indoor Use only / Power Cable required
Accurate Ball Data and Club Data
Use of VIEW Software and 3rd Party Games*
Swing Optix & Balance Optix Integration
*3rd party Games Integration needs a active subscription - at EUR 220 / year / plus local countrys VAT Rate = 269 EUR in DE
Refine & Refine plus give you a Lifetime Subscription to 3rd Party Launcher!
Overhead type, super speed camera-based golf launch monitor.
Fully integrated with QED Refine, Succeed, E6, TCG, Creative Golf.
You may have a golf simulator, but are you really using it to maximize your investment?
EYEXO Launch Monitor is developed for your goals and ambition.
Here is why.
EYE non-marking ball technology allows you to play, practice, and train with any ball you choose.
EYEXO is all inclusive for the most accurate club data measured in real time.
The core of the non-marking ball technology enhances reality and accuracy for indoor golf simulation. With the non-marking ball technology at work, you are many steps closer to a more realistic golf environment.
Whether you’d like to work on hitting longer drives, more accurate iron shots, better putts, or everything together, a precise and speedy launch monitor can help you make it a reality. With precise ball analytics and a full range of club data you can make calculated decisions and educated adjustments for speedy and steady improvement.
EYEXO VIEW Data Output
Ball Data:
• Back Spin
• Side Spin
• Total Spin
• Spin Axis
• Ball Impact on Club Face
*Ball data: Dimple read
Club Data:
• Smash Factor
• Club Speed
• Club Path
• Club Face Angle
• Attack Angle
• Club Loft Angle,
• Club Lie Angle,
• Impact Point Vertical
• Impact Point Horizontal
*Club data: Read with reflective stickers
You can be more consistent with the enhanced Uneekor OPTIXTM technology. on EYEXO.
Enjoy more enhanced Club and Swing OPTIXTM conveniently built in your simulator.
Clubface strike is one of the most important variables in golf consistency. Where on the face you hit the ball affects: launch, spin, spin axis, distance, and club fitting. One way to develop a consistent club face strike is understanding exactly where you hit it. Our Club OPTIXTM allows you to see where you exaclty strike the ball on the face and gives you a visual example of adjustments necessary to improve consistency.
Our newest launch monitor model, EYEXO with View software, also features a built-in swing motion analysis quality for yourself or students. It shows premium quality swing motion videos with sophisticated software tools to analyze and communicate on the subject. This feature takes the guess work out of your practice or teaching sessions. It fundamentally leads users to faster improvement and lower scores. The Swing Optix feature comes as an option with the use of premium camera set.
SWING OPTIX (1.690 Euro).
Camera Models: HC-CA016-10UC
Lens: Focal Length: 2.5mm
Aperture: 1.2
Resolution: Up to 1440 x 1080
Frame Rate: Up to 160 fps
Shutter: Global Shutter
Connection: USB3.0
Tripod: 1/4’ compatible
(2) USB3 Cables (2.7m)
(1) USB3 Repeater Cable (5m)
Now you can work smarter with PowerU Cloud ervice with EYEXO.
Uneekor is launching an on-line platform,, to give players the ability to collect and connect with all EYEXO customers or students in one place. The EYEXO View software is optimized to function as a golf data base platform that could sort all data by different clubs, users, and sessions.
You can send out the link of PowerU report through email and/or social media platforms enhancing your chat functions on-line. Imagine having all these tools at your reach. Less hassle, more time to work on your teaching and dial in club fittings. More cloud service options to be released in Fall 2020.
Package Items
• EYEXO Hardware
• Power Cable
• Adapter
• Connector
• USB Ethernet Adapter
• Ethernet Cable
• EYEXO Bracket
• USB-software
• Calibration Chart
• M4 32mm
• M6 15mm
• Reflective stickers
• Special 2-year warranty included
Hardware Specification
• 2 Ultra high speed cameras
• 4 Infrared LED array boards
• Gigabit ethernet interface
• Dimensions
79 x 15 x 6.3 cm (without bracket)
79 x 15 x 11 cm (with bracket)
• Weight
4.7 kg (without bracket)
6.5 kg (with bracket)
• External Input: 110/220V
• Output: 19VDC/120W
PC Requirement
• CPU: Minimum Intel i5 8400 or AMD 3600
• RAM: 8GB or higher
• Graphics: Minimum GeForce GTX 1060 or Radeon RX580
• Operating System: Windows 10 (64bit)
• Resolution: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
incl. Performance Optix Package
Uneekor’s EYE XO2 expands on the industry leading specs of our EYE XO with the addition of a third High-Speed Infrared Camera to capture a larger range with any ball of the player's choice.
The EYE XO2 also includes a larger hitting zone (28” W x 21” L), allowing for seamless transition between right and left handed golfers and the ability to add the new Uneekor “Trouble Mat,” an all-terrain hitting mat with a rough and bunker to simulate true on-course conditions.
EYEXO VIEW Data Output
Ball Data:
• Back Spin
• Side Spin
• Total Spin
• Spin Axis
• Ball Impact on Club Face
*Ball data: Dimple read
Club Data:
• Smash Factor
• Club Speed
• Club Path
• Club Face Angle
• Attack Angle
• Club Loft Angle,
• Club Lie Angle,
• Impact Point Vertical
• Impact Point Horizontal
*Club data: Read with reflective stickers
You can be more consistent with the enhanced Uneekor OPTIXTM technology. on EYEXO.
Enjoy more enhanced Club and Swing OPTIXTM conveniently built in your simulator.
Clubface strike is one of the most important variables in golf consistency. Where on the face you hit the ball affects: launch, spin, spin axis, distance, and club fitting. One way to develop a consistent club face strike is understanding exactly where you hit it. Our Club OPTIXTM allows you to see where you exaclty strike the ball on the face and gives you a visual example of adjustments necessary to improve consistency.
Our newest launch monitor model, EYEXO with View software, also features a built-in swing motion analysis quality for yourself or students. It shows premium quality swing motion videos with sophisticated software tools to analyze and communicate on the subject. This feature takes the guess work out of your practice or teaching sessions. It fundamentally leads users to faster improvement and lower scores. The Swing Optix feature comes as an option with the use of premium camera set.
SWING OPTIX (1.690 Euro).
EYE XO2 Launch Monitor
Mounting Bracket with Level
View Software
Calibration Chart
11ft Power Cable, Adapter, and Connector
USB Ethernet Adapter w/ 60ft Ethernet LAN Cable
(400) EYE XO2 Club Stickers
(10) M4 32mm Screws and (10) M6 15mm Screws
(4) M6 15mm High Screws and (4) Low Screws
Hardware Specification
• 2 Ultra high speed cameras
• 4 Infrared LED array boards
• Gigabit ethernet interface
• Dimensions
79 x 15 x 6.3 cm (without bracket)
79 x 15 x 11 cm (with bracket)
• Weight
4.7 kg (without bracket)
6.5 kg (with bracket)
• External Input: 110/220V
• Output: 19VDC/120W
PC Requirement
• CPU: Minimum Intel i5 8400 or AMD 3600
• RAM: 8GB or higher
• Graphics: Minimum GeForce GTX 1060 or Radeon RX580
• Operating System: Windows 10 (64bit)
• Resolution: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Stand Alone
Uneekor’s EYE XO2 expands on the industry leading specs of our EYE XO with the addition of a third High-Speed Infrared Camera to capture a larger range with any ball of the player's choice.
The EYE XO2 also includes a larger hitting zone (28” W x 21” L), allowing for seamless transition between right and left handed golfers and the ability to add the new Uneekor “Trouble Mat,” an all-terrain hitting mat with a rough and bunker to simulate true on-course conditions.
EYEXO VIEW Data Output
Ball Data:
• Back Spin
• Side Spin
• Total Spin
• Spin Axis
• Ball Impact on Club Face
*Ball data: Dimple read
Club Data:
• Smash Factor
• Club Speed
• Club Path
• Club Face Angle
• Attack Angle
• Club Loft Angle,
• Club Lie Angle,
• Impact Point Vertical
• Impact Point Horizontal
*Club data: Read with reflective stickers
You can be more consistent with the enhanced Uneekor OPTIXTM technology. on EYEXO.
Enjoy more enhanced Club and Swing OPTIXTM conveniently built in your simulator.
Clubface strike is one of the most important variables in golf consistency. Where on the face you hit the ball affects: launch, spin, spin axis, distance, and club fitting. One way to develop a consistent club face strike is understanding exactly where you hit it. Our Club OPTIXTM allows you to see where you exaclty strike the ball on the face and gives you a visual example of adjustments necessary to improve consistency.
Our newest launch monitor model, EYEXO with View software, also features a built-in swing motion analysis quality for yourself or students. It shows premium quality swing motion videos with sophisticated software tools to analyze and communicate on the subject. This feature takes the guess work out of your practice or teaching sessions. It fundamentally leads users to faster improvement and lower scores.
EYE XO2 Launch Monitor
Mounting Bracket with Level
View Software
Calibration Chart
11ft Power Cable, Adapter, and Connector
USB Ethernet Adapter w/ 60ft Ethernet LAN Cable
(400) EYE XO2 Club Stickers
(10) M4 32mm Screws and (10) M6 15mm Screws
(4) M6 15mm High Screws and (4) Low Screws
Hardware Specification
• 2 Ultra high speed cameras
• 4 Infrared LED array boards
• Gigabit ethernet interface
• Dimensions
79 x 15 x 6.3 cm (without bracket)
79 x 15 x 11 cm (with bracket)
• Weight
4.7 kg (without bracket)
6.5 kg (with bracket)
• External Input: 110/220V
• Output: 19VDC/120W
PC Requirement
• CPU: Minimum Intel i5 8400 or AMD 3600
• RAM: 8GB or higher
• Graphics: Minimum GeForce GTX 1060 or Radeon RX580
• Operating System: Windows 10 (64bit)
• Resolution: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Uneekor EyeXO Hitting Protection Cover
Schützt Ihren EyeXO vor Bällen- oder Schlägertreffern vor Beschädigung.
Hochresistentes Plexi Macrolon Case > Made in Germany
Einfache Montage keine zusätzlichen Schrauben notwendig!
Protects your EyeXO from being hit by balls or clubs from damage.
Highly resistant Plexi Macrolon case> Made in Germany
Easy assembly no additional screws required!
Uneekor EyeXO2 Hitting Protection Cover
Schützt Ihren EyeXO2 vor Bällen- oder Schlägertreffern vor Beschädigung.
Hochresistentes Plexi Macrolon Case > Made in Germany
Einfache Montage keine zusätzlichen Schrauben notwendig!
Protects your EyeXO2 from being hit by balls or clubs from damage.
Highly resistant Plexi Macrolon case> Made in Germany
Easy assembly no additional screws required!
395,68 €*
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